
Fishing planet level 9 best setup
Fishing planet level 9 best setup

Rig 2 Light Float: Nero 12'10" match rod, MagFin Prima 2500 reel, 8lb fluoro(#1/0 hook). Rig 1 Light Lure: MagFin Featherlight 7' rod, MagFin Prima 2500 reel, 8 lb fluoro. For level 20, I'd say go with a light lure and float rigs, and a medium/heavy lure and float rig. At level 20, go with the 4 rod carrier from lvl 19. Regarding rigs, you want to have an ultimate goal of having the 7 rod carrier and 1 of each light, medium, and heavy float rigs and lure combos with a super heavy lure rig as your 7th combo. The one at lvl 31 will last you until lvl 40. Buy the ones at lvl 20, skip 23 and 26, get the one at 28 and 31. The more money you'll make per trip as well. Just means you will be able to keep the larger fish that you'll catch with your larger rigs. I still say always upgrade keepnet first anytime you unlock them. I appologize for not going into further details with my first response. So any suggestions, ideas would be appreciated. But I have 40k and kind of have an itchy money hand and would like to upgrade but I'm torn between decisions and not wanting to waste the money haha.

fishing planet level 9 best setup fishing planet level 9 best setup fishing planet level 9 best setup

Or should I possibly wait a few levels to upgrade? I have been using the same rod and reel since level 7 and its done me alright. I need some ideas on a few rod and reel choices for level 20. or more so a little debate, whichever you choose it be. Skimmed the forum a little but didn't really see what I was looking for.

Fishing planet level 9 best setup